Anna Pazdurova
Through my passion for active volunteering, unexpectedly, life ways led me to volunteer to set up community school. Despite of my original plan to volunteer at “homeless charities with kids friendly volunttering" was changed by course of circumstances, I accepted life call to be here. I’m grateful that I could be a part of this amazing project of setting up school and community environment for first significant generation of Slovak origin children in Manchester and surrounded areas. I believe we, as parents living abroad, have responsibility to provide our children with heritage of language, information and traditions of the country we came from, and prepare them to live their best, in harmony with other cultures, wherever they choose to in the future.
As founder and chairman, I support school provides best in class language education, fosters family atmosphere, charitable spirit and openness to other nationalities. School promotes social inclusion within cosmopolitan community in Manchester, including surrounding areas and I will do my best to create atmosphere were morning lesson is enjoyment for our kids and adults. I also actively support child safety compliance, teacher’s professional development, recruitment, active fundraising, marketing, events, wellbeing and sport options,folk group Slovacik and cooperation with other communities.
In my spare time, apart from family, work and school, I'm active in outdoor and indoor sports, have passion for exploring new countries, natural beauties, cosmopolitan socializing, healthy lifestyle, psychology, self-development and I like being creative.
Child Protection Safety Officer
Lead teacher
Volám sa Daniela a učím triedu školákov 6 rokov+. Na Slovensku som vyštudovala v Bratislave odbor slovenský jazyk – etická výchova. Následne po ukončení štúdii som 4 roky učila na základnej škole pri Bratislave.
Momentálne žijem v Manchestri, kde sa venujem prekladateľstvu. Na našej Slovenskej škole vediem deti v svojej triede k obohacovaniu si slovnej zásoby, komunikačným schopnostiam, čítaniu textu s porozumením, oboznamovaním sa so slovenskými zvykmi a tradíciami a v neposlednom rade utváraniu nových priateľstiev.
Sandra Nazarejova
Warrington Branch manager
My name is Sandra Nazarejova as a branch manager SSCM, Warrington campus I am responsible for operation, administration and marketing of Warrington Campus. I am friendly, energetic and positive person who loves challenges. One of the positive challenges is management of Warrington campus of Slovak school Manchester. It's been a pleasure for me to take a part in this organisation with positive athmosphere and opportunities what this friendship between me, parents and school will bring us. In my free time am a busy mum of two kids and my hobby is a good book and a time what I can spend with my family. My motto is ''Happines is not about getting all you want, it is about enjoying all all you have.'' And I enjoy it.
Lucia Potocna
Ahojte volám sa Lucia Potocna A chcela by som vám o sebe prezradiť, že mám skončenú Strednú zdravotnú školu s maturitou. Po skončení školy som sa venovala promo akciám a venujem sa spoločenským akciám do dnes. Mám to ako hobby, ktoré ma veľmi baví, a taktiež sa tomu venujem ako vedľajšej činnosti popri mojej práci. Mám rada spoluprácu s ľuďmi, organizovanie, prácu s deťmi a charitatívnymi večierkami.
Teším sa s vami na spoluprácu a dúfam, že každý si príde na svoje.
Katarina Lawani
Financial Accountant
I was born in Slovakia. After graduating from Faculty of Economics UMB in Banska Bystrica I worked for Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic and later for Social Insurance Agency. Here in the UK I completed my ACCA exams. In Slovak school I am a charity accountant. I love spending time with my family (my husband and our 2 beautiful girls) but also with our extended family, skiing in Slovakia and working as a volunteer with young children in my local church here in Manchester.